The Board of Education of Walworth Joint School District #1 will meet on Monday, June 3, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the School Library for the annual Evaluation of Board Operations.  Full agenda posted on this website: Documents>Meeting Agendas and Minutes>Board of Education (Special and Regular Meetings)>Board Agendas



The School Board believes that evaluation is essential to the continual improvement and success of a school district. Therefore, the Board shall annually plan for and carry through an evaluation of its functioning as a Board.

The external evaluation plan will consist of a school district survey that is distributed to the District’s constituents at the beginning of each school year.  Additionally, the Board of Education will conduct an internal self-evaluation using a survey instrument developed by the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB).

The results of both the internal and external evaluations will be shared with all Board of Education members in a report prepared by the District Administrator.  These results will be used for future School Board improvement.

Walworth Joint School District #1 does not discriminate in admissions to any school, class, program, or activity on the basis of sex, gender identification, race, national origin, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, learning, emotional, or mental disability. All discrimination complaints shall be processed in accordance with established procedures.

LEGAL REFERENCE:   Wisconsin State Statutes 118.001; 120.13

POLICY ADOPTED:       September 16, 1991

POLICY REVISED:          February 16, 1998; June 23, 2014; September 27, 2017