Walworth Jt. School District #1 sent out a district-wide mailing that started arriving in mailboxes this past weekend. The mailing included a letter from the district (text below) and a flyer about an upcoming event on October 8th (see photo). Please see the letter below:
September 28, 2022
Dear Neighbor,
My name is Phill Klamm and I am the District Administrator at Walworth Jt. School District #1. About a month ago, I wrote to you to introduce myself, share some information about our school district, and invite you to our Open House. If you haven’t read that letter, please consider taking a few minutes to read it on our website.
Since my last letter, I have had the opportunity to talk with many of you at our Open House & Community Picnic held on August 30th. The turnout was amazing! Thank you so much for stopping by! Hundreds of people enjoyed live music, great food, a jump house, balloon artist, cotton candy, interacting with community organizations, school tours, and more. The most enjoyable part of the night for me was seeing everyone enjoying our beautiful school grounds, the perfect weather, and the priceless opportunity to interact with others from our community.
At the Open House and elsewhere in the community, I have had a few people approach me to talk about the letter. That is so exciting when that happens! I love talking about our District and all of the great things we are working to do for students and families! One of the main questions I received was about my reference to Big Foot High School and how the two of our districts are completely different entities. This allows me to make an important clarification: I am a huge fan of Big Foot High School and am thankful for our partnership and the great work they do for students and families! It is just that we are two independent entities with different responsibilities and separate financials.
I am excited to share that school is off to a great start! In addition to our awesome Open House and Community Picnic, students and staff have started the school year! We are excited to be back together for the purposes of learning all about literacy, math, science, social studies, music, art, and so much more! Everyday we work to maximize our available time, build positive habits, and have high expectations for everyone.
We are excited to share a new partnership agreement we have with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Some of you may be aware of the property on the corner of Beloit St and S Main St, formerly the home of Waal’s Department store. This land was purchased by WI-DOT a few years back and includes a parking area, driveway, and a grass area. We use this land for access to our property and additional parking. This new agreement allows our district to control how this area is used and who can use it. We are taking care of the land in exchange for this usage. We are happy to mow, trim, shovel, plow and take care of it so that when people come through our village square they can see that we are proud of our school and our community and take pride in our grounds!
As we strive for continuous improvement and live out our theme of “Better Together”, it is time for me to ask you for help. We know that we are a great school now and with your help we can even be better!
The first request I would like to ask is for you to consider communicating with me your questions and concerns. Please reach out to me by phone (262) 394-2010 (my direct number) or by email: Phill.Klamm@walworth.k12.wi.us to set up a meeting or to share with me your questions and concerns so that I can use that information to help guide our district.
The next request I would like to do is to invite you to our Better Together event at Heyer True Value on Saturday, October 8th. The fundraiser and cookout starts at 11 a.m. and ends around 2 p.m. I will be there and am excited to meet and greet our neighbors, students, and families!
The third request is that you would please look for and read the information that I send to you over the next few months. We know that not everyone is able to get information online, so we are increasing our in person and mail efforts. Our communication with you is important and we hope that you find value in it!
Finally, if you are online and would like to connect with us there, please like us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/walworthj1), follow us on Twitter (www.twitter.com/Walworth_J1), connect with us on Instagram (WalworthJ1), and visit our website (www.walworth.k12.wi.us).
In closing, it is my honor to serve the Walworth Jt. School District #1, our families, and our students. It is my hope that this, and future communication, will help us be Better Together as we strive to Provide the Best Education For All Students!
Phill Klamm, District Administrator