Walworth School Sunday Staff Spotlight
Meet Mrs. Janney ~ Junior Kindergartner Teacher
How long have you worked in the district? What is your education background? This is my 16th year teaching junior kindergarten or kindergarten at Walworth. I completed my student teaching with Mrs. Boldger and Mrs. Wenzel!
Where is your hometown? I grew up in Crystal Lake, IL and currently live in Woodstock, IL.
Where did you attend college? I attended the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
What’s the best thing about working in the district? I absolutely love working with the Walworth students, families, and the most dedicated and caring staff ever!
Who has influenced you most in life? Both of my parents and my daughter have influenced me. My Dad was the hardest working man I know, my mom was always there filling our home and lives with love and care, and my daughter is so full of joy and loves life!