Mrs. Laura Hummel said her kindergarten class had such a fun time visiting the Walworth Fire Station to learn about fire safety last Friday. Some kindergarten students went to the fire station and others met firefighters at school.
'The best part was meeting Sparky (the mascot) and getting to ride back to school in a fire truck! Thank you Walworth Fire/Rescue Department," said Hummel.
I walked with the students from Miss Kris Koltes' class to the fire department. At one point we had to stop in front of the Bumper to Bumper store when a girl said, "Is this the fire department?" I told her to look ahead to see a fire truck in the distance as we waited for another truck to leave the station.
After we returned to school, a boy said, "This is the best day of my life!" (I assumed he meant seeing the fire department, not being accompanied by me.) Other students echoed similar views... except one girl who was apparently already looking ahead to the evening. "I can't wait to go to Applebee's," she said.