Walworth Jt. School District #1 sent out a district-wide mailing yesterday that will arrive in mailboxes soon. The mailing included a letter from the district (text below) and information about an upcoming event on November 3, 2022. Please see the letter below:
October 26, 2022
Dear Neighbor,
My name is Phill Klamm and I am the District Administrator at Walworth Jt. School District #1. I have been writing to you this school year to introduce myself, share some information about our school district, and invite you to our events. If you haven’t read the previous letters, please consider taking a few minutes to read them on our website: www.walworth.k12.wi.us.
Since my last letter, I have had the opportunity to talk with some of you at our Better Together Cookout and Fundraiser at Heyer True Value on October 8th. The turnout was amazing! Thank you so much for stopping by! Lots of people enjoyed great food, a jump house, and visiting with each other. The most enjoyable part of the event was spending time with all of our Walworth supporters!
October 8th was a busy day for us, especially for a Saturday! Before the cookout and fundraiser, we planted our new Hope Garden. Maybe you have seen it on the corner by the school. It’s a great big W, and in spring we're hopeful it will be full of yellow tulips! This project is led by our Hope Squad and is a partnership between many different groups, including the Wisconsin DOT, Walworth County Health, the Village of Walworth, Perfectly Potted by Tonya Marie, Livingston Contracting, Heyer True Value, Harvard Nursery, and more! We are so blessed to have such dedicated partners that help us. We Are Better Together!
Speaking of the Hope Garden, did you happen to see the news coverage? It was featured on the front page of our new district newsletter, “The Growler”! If you haven’t seen our newsletter, please look for it in area businesses and organizations. Our staff is working hard to highlight all of the great things happening with students, so it is definitely worth your time to read! “The Growler” can also be found on our website if you prefer to read your news digitally.
Can you believe that the first quarter of school is almost complete? It has been a great first quarter and a great start to school. As the second quarter approaches, the District continues to look and plan for the future of our district, our school, and our students. We are hosting a Community Information Night on Thursday, November 3rd, at 6:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room at school. The District needs your feedback as we consider upcoming financial constraints. If you are unable to attend that meeting and would like to meet with me personally, I am happy to set up a time to talk with you. Please contact me directly to set up a time to meet via my direct number at work (262) 394-2010 or by email at: Phill.Klamm@walworth.k12.wi.us.
As we strive for continuous improvement and live out our theme of “Better Together”, it is time for me to ask you for help. We know that we are a great school now and with your help we can be even better!
The first request I would like to ask of you is to consider communicating with me your questions and concerns. Please reach out to me by phone (262) 394-2010 (my direct number) or by email: Phill.Klamm@walworth.k12.wi.us to set up a meeting or to share with me your questions and concerns so that I can use that information to help guide our district.
The next request I would like to ask of you is to attend our Community Information Night in our Multipurpose Room on Thursday, November 3rd at 6:00 p.m.
The third request is that you would please look for our new newsletter, “The Growler”, in area businesses and read the information we send to you over the next few months. We know that not everyone is able to get information online, so we are increasing our in person and mail efforts. Our communication with you is important to us and we hope that you find value in it!
Finally, if you are online and would like to connect with us there, please like us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/walworthj1), follow us on Twitter (www.twitter.com/Walworth_J1), connect with us on Instagram (WalworthJ1), and visit our website (www.walworth.k12.wi.us).
In closing, I would like to share a little about a conversation I recently had with a parent at dismissal time when he told me that he noticed that the students are so happy at school. That conversation made me stop and take a look at some of the students that were around us. He was right, our students were happy and smiling. As a district administrator, there are many things that are always on my mind: school safety, student achievement, the budget, public relations, school board policies, state and federal laws, and the list goes on. Sometimes, it’s good to just slow down and see the smiles, listen to a student’s story in the hallway, offer a smile and a fist bump, or share a compliment with a student. Within each student, there is a magnificent story being written, and to share a moment with them is a true honor. I am so proud of our students, past and present, and honored to have this opportunity each and every day. Thank you for allowing me to serve this district and our community. It is my hope that this, and future communication, will help us be Better Together as we strive to Provide the Best Education For All Students!
Phill Klamm, District Administrator