If a student says he or she is just skating through school, don't be alarmed. It's all part of physical education teacher Troy Hummel's annual program in classes at Walworth Joint School District #1.
The physical education skating unit is for fifth- through eighth-grade students.
"I have been doing the Skatetime Program for the past 24 years," said Hummel. "Kids love it. It is always our highlight of the year!
"It is amazing to see the progress from the first day, when we lack the balance and coordination, to the last day of skating, where almost everyone has the confidence to skate on their own."
The Skatetime Program is out of Waukesha.
The process to get students skating on their own includes using mats for them to walk on, strollers for them to balance, and instructions hints/cues for success, according to Hummel.
"With the lack of roller skating rinks - skate barns as we called them - or inline or ice skating opportunities, I am very thankful Walworth School allows this unit into our Physical Education program," said Hummel.