On Tuesday, April 4, residents of the Walworth Joint School District will vote on an operational referendum question.
An approved referendum would provide the district with additional funding for the next three years, beginning in the 2023-24 school year. This funding is critical for supporting programs and services for students while maintaining staff levels throughout our school.
The bottom line is that our current operational budget cannot sustain our mission of providing the best educational experience for all students without an operational referendum.
If the referendum is approved, the projected property tax impact would be $506.14 per year on a home worth $200,000.
Learn more: https://www.walworth.k12.wi.us/page/referendum
#BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

Big Foot will be hosting Open Arms' free mobile clinic on Thursday, April 7th from 2:30-5:30. Any family is welcome to stop in regardless of whether or not they have insurance. They offer many different services including just a general check up and do not require any pre registration to be seen for the mobile clinic. Scan the QR code for more information.

Tomorrow, March 29th, is Wildcat Wednesday! Show your school spirit by wearing your purple and gold!
#WeLoveWalworth 💜💛 #WalworthJ1

Sammy won the Guidance Winterfest Raffle Prize! Her 3rd grade class enjoyed a morning of fun in the snow and warmed up, after, with hot chocolate and cookies!
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

With an approved operational referendum April 4, the Walworth Joint School District will be able to address financial needs stemming from declining state support for public schools and increasing expenses.
This chart details the amount of revenue an approved referendum would provide, along with the total tax impact in each of the three years.
You can also learn more at: https://www.walworth.k12.wi.us/page/referendum
#BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

Mrs. Niemuth enjoyed "Spa Time" with this special little princess today before school. She won the Winterfest raffle prize, "French Braids and Fingernails" and had a cool "ride" to her classroom!
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Over 80% of Wisconsin school districts have already pursued at least one operational referendum to cover funding needs. This includes the nearby districts of Big Foot Union High School, Clinton, Delavan-Darien, Elkhorn, Fontana, Genoa City, Lake Geneva, Reek, Whitewater, and Williams Bay.
When faced with funding shortages, a school district has two main options: cut expenses or ask the community to support an operational referendum.
The number of referendum questions on recent ballots statewide reflects a significant shift in Wisconsin’s commitment to funding schools. Over the years, more of the responsibility for funding schools has moved from the state to local property taxpayers, via referendums.
Residents of the Walworth Joint School District will vote on a proposed referendum Tuesday, April 4. Learn more: https://www.walworth.k12.wi.us/page/referendum
#WeLoveWalworth #BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to this week's Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. On Fridays students, who have earned a Paw Print are entered into a drawing. Way to go, Wildcats!
#WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

The Walworth Joint School District’s current operational budget cannot sustain our mission of providing the best educational experience for all students without support through a voter-approved operational referendum.
Over the last four years alone, state aid to Walworth has fallen by more than $700,000, while local taxes have been reduced by about $75,000. Costs are also on the rise, affecting transportation, heating, property insurance, equipment, supplies, and more.
As a result, the district projects approximately a $1 million decrease in its general fund revenue for the 2023-24 school year.
We are joining many districts statewide in proposing an operational referendum to help address these challenges. Learn more about the question on the ballot Tuesday, April 4: https://www.walworth.k12.wi.us/page/referendum
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Grady, in Ms. Boldger's junior kindergarten class, presented the letter "Ss", with his family for our "Story, Snack, and Surprise" program. We had SO much fun riding the SCHOOL bus to Grady's STORE...SENTRY! The STORE was filled with SURPRISES as we toured SPECIAL places, (behind the SCENES). We SAMPLED SOUR flavored popcorn, observed the SEAFOOD case, were entertained with a SONG about fruit, watched Grady add SPRINKLES to a doughnut, and received SPRING flowers for SAINT Patrick's Day. We loved our STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE and STRAWBERRY milk for a SCRUMPTIOUS SNACK!
Thank you Grady and family (and STAFF) for the SENSATIONAL experiences!
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

KIndness Week begins tomorrow! See below for the scheduled dress-up days! We can't wait for a week filled with festivities, fun, and kidness!
Monday ~ Friendships feel warm & fuzzy; dress in appropriate PJ’s.
Tuesday ~ Stay active and be kind; dress in exercise/sports clothes.
Wednesday ~ Anyone can be a superhero; dress in superhero clothes or as someone you think of as your superhero!
Thursday ~ Unite Against Bullying; dress up as a rainbow: JK & K-blue, 1st-purple, 2nd-green, 3rd-pink, 4th-yellow, 5th-orange,6th-teal/aqua, 7th-red,8th-neon
Friday ~ Follow The Golden Rule & Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Wear green & gold.
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Mrs. Niemuth's 3rd Graders are "blasting off" into their Amplify Astronomy Unit for ELA!! The students are already fascinated with the content! 🚀🚀
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to this week's Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. On Fridays students, who have earned a Paw Print are entered into a drawing. Way to go, Wildcats!
#WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Walworth is proud to provide free breakfasts to all students this year! Since beginning our universally free breakfast program, we have doubled the number of students who eat breakfast at school. This year we have served about 160 breakfasts per day to students on average compared to about 80 breakfasts per day in the 2019 school year when breakfast was not universally free. We understand that learning is a lot harder on a hungry belly, and Walworth is happy to make breakfast free, easy, and available to all students.
#NationalSchoolBreakfastWeek #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

These little cuties enjoyed Mrs. Niemuth's Winterfest raffle prize of "Donuts for Dudettes," and got to play Candyland together at snack time! 🥰 Fun Fact: Both of their Daddys had Mrs. Niemuth as their 3rd grade teacher!
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

If the operational referendum is approved, the projected property tax impact would be $506.14 per year on a home worth $200,000.
That’s about $1.39 per day—less than the price of a cup of coffee.
An approved referendum would provide additional funding for programs and services for students at a time when state support for public schools is dropping and expenses are rapidly rising. Learn more: https://www.walworth.k12.wi.us/page/referendum
#BetterTogether #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

March 6th through March 10th is National School Breakfast Week! This is a time to highlight the benefits of school breakfast and encourage students to participate in the school breakfast program. Research shows that students who participate in school breakfast programs are positively impacted in terms of higher test scores, calmer classrooms, fewer trips to the nurse, and higher attendance rates. Walworth is proud to make breakfasts free for all students and easily available every day!
For more information on the benefits of school breakfast, visit the dpi website: https://dpi.wi.gov/school-nutrition/programs/school-breakfast#msdynttrid=ltkg4-Ltvnb9c1BWpaEUJ6ZpMgqNoS5Bg6lxwR72FFs
#NationalSchoolBreakfastWeek #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Miss Koltes' Kindergarten Class had fun celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday last week. The students enjoyed several hands-on learning activities and daily special dress-up days that went along with some of the Dr. Seuss books that we read. Our favorite activity during the week was having guest readers visit our classroom.
#ReadAcross America2023 #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Walworth Joint School District #1 will accept bids for: Lawn Care Services. Bids must be received at the address below no later than April 6, 2023 . Lawn care service is to begin April 26, 2023, and end November 15, 2024.
Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked:
Lawn Care Service Bid
Walworth Joint School District #1
121 Beloit Street
Walworth, WI 53184
Use the link below for detailed information.
For more information call: Eric Netzband, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, at 262-394-2257.

Congratulations to this week's Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. On Fridays students, who have earned a Paw Print are entered into a drawing. Way to go, Wildcats!
#WalworthProud #WalworthJ1