Mrs. Cullen attended Live Music with Rock Central Kids show. Her favorite part was listening to second grader, Abe, on the keyboard.
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Mrs. Niemuth and the Walworth 3rd Graders had a magical morning caroling through the falling snow, as they made their way to the Post Office to mail their letters to Santa! Retired Post Master Michelle greeted them with smiles and gifts to take home! May your holiday be filled with magic!🎄🎅🎄
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

There will be NO school tomorrow, December 22, 2022, due to the predicted inclement weather. The sing-a-long has also been canceled. School will resume on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Next week is Spirit Week!
Monday, December 19 ~ Cozy PJs
Tuesday, December 20 ~ Grinch Day (wear green)
Wednesday, December 21 ~ Holiday Hats and Socks
Thursday, December 22 ~ Holiday Cheer

Congratulations to these recent Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. On Fridays students, who have earned a Paw Print are entered into a drawing. Way to go, Wildcats!
#WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

❄️☃️A snowy day in Ms. Boldger's outdoor classroom!☃️❄️
#WeLoveWalwaworth #WalworthJ1

❄️☃️Do you want to build a snowman?☃️❄️
#WeLoveWalwaworth #WalworthJ1

December Story Time is underway for students in JK, K, 1, and 2! During the first of four sessions, students enjoyed some holiday books, a snack, and each created a Santa Christmas Countdown Calendar to take home!
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Today, Walworth students participated in Lions Kidsight USA, an annual vision screening provided by the Lions Club. The volunteers from the Big Foot Lions Club screened over 400 Walworth students' vision! Thank you Lions Club for your continued support of our school!
#BetterTogether #WeLoveWalworth #BigFootLionsClub #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to these Good Reader Award recipients. To receive the Good Reader Award students need to read 30 Mo Willems books and pass the quizzes! Way to go readers! Keep on reading! 📚
#WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Walworth Jt. District #1 and the 7th/8th grade student council is partnering with area schools and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to Hunt Off Hunger! Tomorrow, December 8th is the last day to donate unexpired nonperishable food. Items collected will be shared with local community shelters and food pantries.
#BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

A group of 6th graders helped decorate the library for Christmas! 🎄🎄🎄
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to these FROGGY Experts and Fly Guy High Achiever! To be an FROGGY Expert students need to read all 25 FROGGY books and pass the quizzes! To be a High Achiever students need to read 31 Fly Guy books and pass all the quizzes! Way to go readers! 📚
#WhatAreYouReadingWednesday 📚 #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Tomorrow, December 7th, is Wildcat Wednesday! Show your school spirit by wearing your purple and gold!
#WeLoveWalworth 💜💛 #WalworthJ1

The Walworth first graders were invited to the Village of Walworth’s Tree Lighting Ceremony on Thursday. The students' afternoon was filled with Christmas caroling, crafts, stories, and a visit with Santa. The students all cheered as the village tree was lit. Thank you to the Village of Walworth, the Walworth Police Department, the Walworth Fire Department, and to Kristi Reierson for organizing this special event. What a great way to kick off this holiday season! 🎅🎄🎅🎄
#WeLoveWalworth #BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

The Walworth 3rd graders went on a virtual field trip to the Colloseum in Rome to kick off the new Amplify ELA unit about Ancient Rome!

December Menus

Congratulations to these Henry and Mudge Experts. To be a Expert students need to read all 32 Henry and Mudge books and pass the quizzes! Way to go readers! 📚
#WhatAreYouReadingWalworth #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to these Biscuit Book Hotshots. To be a Biscuit Book Hotshot students need to read all 19 Biscuit books and pass the quizzes! Way to go readers! 📚
#WalworthProud #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to these Syd Hoff Experts. To be a Syd Hoff Expert students need to read all 20 Syd Hoff books and pass the quizzes! Way to go readers! 📚
#WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1