Mrs. Wenzel's class enjoyed many activities on Dr. Seuss's birthday. One activity was drawing their own Cat in the Hat. Everyone did a great job!
#DrSeuss #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to these first ever Ready Readers! To be a Ready Reader students need to read all 25 Mr. Putter and Tabby books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Maeleigh and Rowan! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Dr. Seuss fun in Mrs. Cullen's class! ❤️📚 ❤️

Congratulations to these first ever Ready Readers! To be a Ready Reader students need to read all 25 Mr. Putter and Tabby books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Kylie, Easton, and Allison! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Mrs. Hummel's kindergarten class had so much fun celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday!
#DrSeuss #WeLoveReading #WalworthJ1

Sharon School will be preparing food boxes for spring break. These boxes will contain food for 7 days worth of lunch and breakfast per child 18 or under. This opportunity is available for any child 18 or younger. You do not need to have free or reduced lunch status-this service is for everyone. They do not need to attend Sharon School. We are offering this service to all of the other area schools as well.

Tomorrow, February 26, 2021 there is NO SCHOOL for students. This is a scheduled day off. Enjoy your long weekend, Wildcats!

Congratulations to these Little Critter Shining Stars. To be a Shining Star students need to read all 47 Little Critter books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Tori and Kylie! 📚
#WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to Charlotte and Falcon the newest Author Specialists! These students read 25 Margaret Hillert books and passed all the quizzes. Way to go readers! 📚
#WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Mrs. Hummel's kindergartners had fun celebrating love and friendship for Valentine's Day! ❤

The 7th and 8th grades are having fun bowling during gym class!

Walworth's AMAZING "Mitten Fairy" delivered her beautiful handmade mittens for each boy and girl in our three junior kindergarten classes! Oh, how each child loved choosing the perfect pair. We are so happy, lucky, grateful and very warm. Thank you "Mitten Fairy"! YOU are so WONDERFUL and WE LOVE YOU! 💜💛
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Even the smallest person can make a BIG difference!
#MotivationalMonday #WalworthJ1

Mrs. Weborg's homeroom enjoyed some Valentine's Day fun and games!

Precious Junior Kindergarten students in Ms. Boldger’s class were thrilled to express Valentine LOVE and FRIENDSHIP!
“I’m going to make a heart of paper
and put it all together with glue...
Valentine’s Day is giving me a nice way to say that ‘I LOVE YOU’"!

It is School Bus Driver Appreciation Week! Thank you to the drivers who safely transport Walworth students.
Did you know that in Wisconsin school buses transport more than 600,000 students each school day and travel nearly 70 million miles a year?
#BusDriverWeek #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to these Little Critter Shining Stars. To be a Shining Star students need to read all 47 Little Critter books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Ssmmy, Oskar, and Maeleigh! 📚
#WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to the first ever Good Reader Award recipient. To be a Good Reader students need to read all 29 Junie B. Jones books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Tenley!
#WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Mrs. Hummel's Kindergarten class enjoyed celebrating the 100th Day of School and being 100 DAYS SMARTER!! The day was filled with many "100" activities! ❤💯❤
#100thDayofSchool #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Wildcats, how creative can you be today?
#MotivationalMonday #WalworthJ1