Holidays are stressful for everyone. Here are 8 things to say to your child this holiday season. ❤💚 #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
8 things
☃️ 𝕊ℕ𝕆𝕎𝕄𝔸ℕ 𝔻𝔸𝕐 ☃️ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Congratulations to Kyleigh, the Day 9 winner of the 12 Days of Kindness Challenge. Remember to email your kind act to Mrs. Barker at #walworthKindnessChallenge #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
12 Days of Kindness Challenge
Congratulations Teelyn on your first piano recital!  We are so proud of you! #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Congratulations Teelyn Thompson on your first piano recital!  We are so proud of you!
Since our Fall Spirit Week was cut short, we decided to have a Winter Week with dress up days starting this Wednesday (12/16) and will take us into Winter Break. See the image below for each day's theme! #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
dress up
If temperatures are above 0°F students will be going outside for recess! Please make sure to send your student to school with winter gear each day. Make sure to label ALL items! ☃️❄☃️ #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
winter gear
In-person learning resumes TODAY, Monday, December 14th. Please make sure your student(s) brings back all necessary supplies including their Chromebook and charger. If you have a school Chromebook please make sure it is charged for Monday morning. #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
in person learing
MENU DECEMBER 14-18 Reminder: There is NO charge for breakfast or lunch through the end of the school year. #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Walworth Families, Here is an update from our Health Office English: Spanish:
about 4 years ago, Mr. Klamm
In-person learning resumes Monday, December 14th. Please make sure your student(s) brings back all necessary supplies including their Chromebook and charger. If you have a school Chromebook please make sure it is charged for Monday morning. #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
in person learing
Food Over The Holiday Break Sharon School will be preparing food boxes for the holiday break. These boxes will contain food for 6 days worth of lunch and breakfast per child 18 or under. This opportunity is available for any child 18 or younger. We are offering this service to all of the other area schools as well. Please take a minute to answer the survey by Thursday, December 10th so that we know how much food to order for these boxes. Families should plan on picking their food up at Sharon School on Wednesday, December 23rd between 11:30-1:00 pm. Families who need an alternate pick up time should email Mrs. Lueck at to make other arrangements. Families who attend other area schools will get directions from their district for pick up. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mrs. Lueck at #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Wildcats, Here is a short winter weather reminder from Mrs. Dowden, please take a minute to watch:
about 4 years ago, Mr. Klamm
Congratulations to these Syd Hoff Experts. To be a Syd Hoff Expert students need to read all 20 Syd Hoff books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Allison, Mia, Harper, and Luke! 📚 #WhatAreYouReading #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
about 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Walworth Family, Please watch this video regarding our return to school Eng Spa
about 4 years ago, Mr. Klamm
Good Morning Walworth, Last night the Board voted to reopen face to face instruction on December 14th. More information will come soon!
about 4 years ago, Mr. Klamm
Walworth School Announces: 12 Days of Kindness Challenge
over 4 years ago, Mr. Klamm
Congratulations to these Biscuit Book Hotshots. To be a Biscuit Book Hotshot students need to read all 19 Biscuit books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Joel, Mateo, Victoria, and Renea! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWalworth #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Congratulations to Olivia, Elliana, Sammy, and Cortland the newest Author Specialists! These students read 25 Margaret Hillert books and passed all the quizzes. Way to go readers! 📚 #WeLoveReading #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
💜💛Wildcats, today is a great day to be AWESOME! 💜💛 #MotivationalMonday #WalworthJ1
over 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Meals are available at no cost to families for children ages 18 and under. Families can receive up to 7 breakfasts and 7 cold lunches per child (age 18 and under) at a time. Pick up from 10:30-12:00 at the circle drive on Beloit Street. Please call ahead for bulk orders (262) 275-6896. #WalworthJ1
over 4 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
food service