Mrs. Hummel's kindergarten class filled their piggy bank with 20 coins! To celebrate this great accomplishment, the students voted and chose to have a Pajama Day at school! It was an extra special day wearing comfy and cozy jammies! Everyone enjoyed this fun Friday! #WalworthJ1

Reading buddies in Ms. Koltes' and Mrs. Trosclair's classes enjoyed some holiday books! 🎅🎄📚🎄🎅#WeLoveReading #WalworthJ1

Last week the talented Vocal Jazz and Jazz Band from Big Foot Union High School District performed for Walworth School. It was great to see so many familiar faces. Thank you Big Foot High School Music for spreading holiday cheer! 🎄🎅🎄#WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Winter Break begins tomorrow, Friday, December 21st! See you next year! #WalworthJ1

The children in Ms. Boldger’s junior kindergarten class continue to develop the cognitive, social-emotional and physical skills they need in order to engineer their curiosity. The season provides many provocations in learning as they express December JOY! #WalworthJ1

Walworth School third graders had a festive winter walk with caroling and smiles all the way to the local post office. There they got a tour, sent their Santa letters to the North Pole, and received special treats from the Post Master! #WalworthJ1🎄🎅🎄

Congratulations to this week's Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for making good decisions, working hard, and making Walworth a great school. Way to go Wildcats! #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Earlier this week students from Big Foot High School District visited our early childhood students. The high school students shared a children's book that they wrote, designed, illustrated, and published.
The students loved listening to the original stories. #WalworthJ1

Walworth students participated in Lions Kidsight USA, an annual vision screening provided by the Lions Club. The volunteers from the Big Foot Lions Club screened 452 Walworth students' vision! Thank you Lions Club for your continued support. #BigFootLionsClub #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to these Biscuit Book Hotshots. To be an hotshot students need to read all 19 Biscuit books and pass the quizzes! #WeLoveReading #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

In junior kindergarten guidance class, students are learning about self-control and mindfulness! #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to this student for being a Henry and Mudge Expert! To be an expert students need to read all 32 Henry and Mudge books and pass the quizzes! #WeLoveReading #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Students were busy getting projects ready for the Wildcat Vendor Fair. Come and check out their work from 9:00 AM -2:00 PM tomorrow. All sales will support the Innovation and Design Center here at Walworth J1. #WalworthJ1

The Wildcat Craft and Vendor Fair is this Saturday, December 8th from 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. in the Walworth Elementary and Middle School Multi-Purpose Room and Gym. There will be more than 20 local crafters and vendors. Admission is FREE! #WalworthParentsClub #WalworthJ1

The Wildcat Craft and Vendor Fair is this Saturday, December 8th from 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. in the Walworth Elementary and Middle School Multi-Purpose Room and Gym. There will be more than 20 local crafters and vendors. Admission is FREE! #WalworthParentsClub #WalworthJ1

Students in Mrs. Cullen's class participated in a Tower Challenge. The challenge was to build a tower that was 45 centimeters tall and sturdy. #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to the first ever Biscuit Book Hotshots! These students read all 19 Biscuit books and passed all the quizzes. Way to go readers! #WeLoveReading #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

❄❄❄❄We love snow! ❄❄❄❄

Congratulations to this week's Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. Way to go Wildcats! #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

December Lunch and Breakfast Menus