Join Walworth Parents' Club for the Wildcat Craft and Vendor Fair on Saturday, December 8th from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Walworth Elementary and Middle School Multi-Purpose Room and Gym. There will be more than 20 local crafters and vendors. Admission is FREE! #WalworthJ1

This week in science the fourth graders are using stream tables to learn about how erosion moves rocks from one place to another to create different landforms. #WeLoveScience #WalworthJ1

Due to the snow day on Monday, the lunch and breakfast menus have changed. Please see the revised menus for the rest of November. #WalworthJ1

The book unicorn dropped in for another visit in Mrs. Hajewski's room to bring a book for the sixth graders to read over Thanksgiving break. #WeLoveReading #WalworthJ1

If temperatures are above 0°F students will be going outside for recess! Please make sure to send your student to school with winter gear each day. Please make sure to label ALL items! ☃️❄☃️ #WalworthJ1

Due to unsafe driving conditions Walworth Jt. School District #1 will be closed today Monday, November 26th, 2018. School will resume on Tuesday, November 27th. Enjoy the snow!
☃️❄☃️❄ #WalworthJ1 ❄☃️❄☃️❄

Due to unsafe driving conditions, Walworth Jt. School District #1, will be closed today (Monday, November 26th, 2018). School will resume on (Tuesday, November 27th) at the normal time. Thank you and have a great day!

The fifth grade students are working to build background knowledge for a benchmark activity! They are working in small groups to read a graphic novel about the Boston Tea Party and will watch a video about the Revolutionary War. #WalworthJ1

Students in Mrs. Cruz's second grade class displayed so much creativity during our Thanksgiving Steam Centers this morning. They built structures out of cranberries and toothpicks, created a hideout to protect their turkeys, and many other fun activities #WalworthJ1.

Third graders had a little fun before Fall Break in math trying to complete the Turkey Escape. In order to escape in time, students worked together to solve 3 different levels of problems and puzzles that lead to a complete code. #WeLoveMath #WalworthJ1

SHARING and CARING about family and friends in Ms. Boldger's class... Have a very safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! #WalworthJ1

Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving break with friends and family! #WalworthJ1

Last week our staff and students enjoyed a delicious "feast" in honor of Thanksgiving. Our fall break begins tomorrow. Enjoy your time with family and friends! #WalworthJ1

Some of Walworth's Middle School students joined the junior kindergarten and kindergarten students for some "Thanksgiving Turkey Hokey Pokey" fun!!! Gobble, Gobble! #WalworthJ1

Mrs. Janney's junior kindergarten class enjoyed making and eating "Friendship Fruit Salad!" Each child contributed one item to our "fruit feast" and they loved sharing with each other! #WalworthJ1

The fifth graders spent a math class working to complete a Math Escape Room. They had to solve 3 levels containing work on factors and multiples. Once they completed the levels they were given a 4 digit code. They used to code to crack the case and win. #WeLoveMath #WalworthJ1

Getting ready for our Thanksgiving Feast In Miss Koltes' kindergarten class! #WalworthJ1

Walworth Families: We have been notified by BFHS Administration that another hand-written threat was found at the high school today. The note wasn't found until well after the stated time of the threat, therefore they are not evacuating. This is isolated to the high school.

Seventh graders enjoyed a Reader’s Theater with Mrs. Lambert and Ms. Schwaegerl. They read an adaptation of “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” They also read and discussed a nonfiction article on ocean exploration. Some students really got into their roles! #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to the latest Henry and Mudge Experts! To be an "expert" students have to read all 32 Henry and Mudge books and pass the Reading Counts test! Way to go readers! #WeLoveReading #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1