TODAY is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 12:30. The school office will be closed at 12:45 for training. If you have any questions please call (262)275-6896. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Early Release Today!
The junior kindergarten students enjoyed a BRISK walk to the Forget Me Not Flower Market this week. Ms. Stephanie and Ms. Amy gave us a tour and we experienced beautiful sights and smells of this beautiful shop. Thank you Forget-Me-Not! #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Trip to Forget-Me-Not
Trip to Forget-Me-Not
Trip to Forget-Me-Not
Trip to Forget-Me-Not
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, November 16th is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 pm. Also, the school office will be closed at 12:45pm for staff training. Please call the school office at (262) 275-6896 if you have any questions.
over 6 years ago, Mr. Klamm
Mrs. Hajewski's class enjoyed some rewards for filling up their pan with brownie points. The class earns a brownie point for positive behavior, especially showing kindness to others. Their rewards included brownies, a pencil, and a pair of headphones for each student. Stay kind!
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Mrs. Hajewski's second block ELA class
Mrs. Hajewski's second block ELA class
Mrs. Hajewski's second block ELA class
Mrs. Hajewski's second block ELA class
Tomorrow, November 16th is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 P.M. The school office will be closed at 12:45pm for staff training. Please call the school office at (262) 275-6896 if you have any questions. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Tomorrow, Friday, November 16th is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 P.M. The school office will be closed at 12:45pm for staff training. Please call the school office at (262) 275-6896 if you have any questions. #WalworthJ1
Mrs. Hummel's kindergarten class enjoyed a visit with their first Rotary Reader of the school year. Mrs. Linda Gaarant, from Holiday Home Camp, did a wonderful job reading books about Thanksgiving to the children! #WalworthJ1 #WalworthFontanaRotary
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Mrs. Hummel's Kindergarten class enjoyed a visit with their first Rotary Reader of the school year. Mrs. Linda Gaarant ,from Holiday Home Camp, did a wonderful job reading books about Thanksgiving to the children!
Tonight the 8th grade volleyball team ended their great season with a fun game against their parents. The parents definitely brought their A-game! #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Tonight the 8th grade volleyball team ended their great season with a fun game against their parents. The parents definitely brought their A-game! #WalworthJ1
Tonight the 8th grade volleyball team ended their great season with a fun game against their parents. The parents definitely brought their A-game! #WalworthJ1
Tonight the 8th grade volleyball team ended their great season with a fun game against their parents. The parents definitely brought their A-game! #WalworthJ1
Walworth Jt. School District #1 honors local veterans and all veterans on Veterans Day. We thank you for your service and sacrifices. We are forever grateful! #WalworthJ1 #VeteransDay
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Veterans Day 2018
Congratulations to this week's Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. Way to go Wildcats! #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Paw Print winners
This morning Walworth Jt. District #1 celebrated its local veterans at the annual Veterans Day program. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Walworth Jt. District #1 celebrates its local veterans on Veterans Day. #WalworthJ1
Walworth Families: Big Foot HS is closing this afternoon due to a bomb threat. Walworth School did not experience any threatening messages and this incident was isolated to the High School. Walworth school will remain in session.
over 6 years ago, Mr. Klamm
Mrs. Hummel’s kindergarten class had a blast with the beautiful, fall fun! #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Mrs. Hummel’s kindergarten class had a blast with the beautiful, fall fun! #WalworthJ1
Mrs. Hummel’s kindergarten class had a blast with the beautiful, fall fun! #WalworthJ1
Mrs. Hummel’s kindergarten class had a blast with the beautiful, fall fun! #WalworthJ1
Mrs. Hummel’s kindergarten class had a blast with the beautiful, fall fun! #WalworthJ1
Congratulations to last week's Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. Way to go Wildcats! #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Paw Print Winners
Mary Poppins and her second grade class had a practically perfect Halloween! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Mary Poppins and her second grade class had a practically perfect Halloween! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
Mary Poppins and her second grade class had a practically perfect Halloween! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
Mary Poppins and her second grade class had a practically perfect Halloween! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
Mary Poppins and her second grade class had a practically perfect Halloween! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
Halloween fun in Mrs. Hummel's kindergarten class! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Halloween fun in Mrs. Hummel's kindergarten class! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
Halloween fun in Mrs. Hummel's kindergarten class! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
Halloween fun in Mrs. Hummel's kindergarten class! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
Mrs. Dowden's class having a spooktacular time! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Mrs. Dowden's Class
Mrs. Dowden's Class
Mrs. Dowden's Class
Mrs. Dowden's Class
Mrs. Niemuth's third graders had a caldron of fun in reading class on Wednesday by sharing their spooky narratives in the dark with flash lights and eating tasty treats! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Mrs. Niemuth's Clasd
Mrs. Niemuth's
Halloween fun in Mrs. Cruz's second grade class. A huge thank you to EVERYONE who made our party such a fun and memorable one! Lots of laughs were had and lots of goodies were enjoyed. Thank you SO much to everyone who volunteered and sent in food and treats! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Mrs. Cruz's Class
Mrs. Cruz's Class
Mrs. Cruz's Class
Mrs. Cruz's Class
Halloween fun in Mrs. Janney's junior kindergarten! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Halloween fun in Mrs. Janney's junior kindergarten! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
Halloween fun in Mrs. Janney's junior kindergarten! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
Middle school students had fun dressing up for Halloween! 🎃 #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats