Friday's Red Ribbon Week theme is Put Drugs To Bed: Wear Your Favorite PJ's. #WalworthJ1

Halloween fun in Ms. Koltes' kindergarten class! 🎃 #WalworthJ1

For Red Ribbon Week each classroom decorated a pumpkin, reinforcing with students the importance of participating in healthy activities. Pumpkins will be judged on a variety of categories. #RedRibbonWeek #WalwothJ1

The Red Ribbon Week theme for Thursday is Hocus Pocus Drugs Aren't My Focus: Wear Your We Are Walworth Shirts! #WeAreWalworth #WalworthJ1

The Village of Walworth Trick-or-Treating is tonight from 4:00-6:00 P.M. Here are a few Halloween safety reminders to help keep everyone safe. #WalworthJ1 🎃

Wednesday's Red Ribbon Week theme is Drugs are Spooky: Dress in Halloween Colors. Please bring your costume to school. Students will change into their costumes before the parade. #RedRibbonWeek #WalworthJ1

Red Ribbon Week continues tomorrow! "Pump"kin It Up: Wear Your Favorite Sports Wear! #RedRibbonWeek #WalworthJ1

Walworth Families: Big Foot HS is closing this afternoon due to a threat written on a restroom wall at the HS. Walworth School did not experience any threatening messages and this incident was isolated to the High School. Walworth school will remain in session.

Congratulations to the last two weeks' Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. Way to go Wildcats! #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

Red Ribbon Week kicks off tomorrow with Trick or Treat Your Body Right: Wear Exercise Clothes! Red Ribbon Week provides the school an opportunity to renew our commitment to making good choices, being healthy, and living a drug-free lifestyle. #WalworthJ1 #RedRibbonWeek

The sixth graders each created their own Powerful Words Reference Rings to use in the Narrative Writing Unit to help spice up their writing! #WalworthJ1

🎃Trunk or Treat 2018🎃
Thank you Walworth Parents Club and Big Foot Recreation District for all the spooktacular fun! #WalworthParentsClub #WalworthJ1

Trunk or Treat 4:00-7:00 P.M. 🎃🕷🕸🦇🎃 #WalworthJ1

First graders in Mrs. Wenzel's class are loving the STEM tubs! #WalworthJ1

Thirty-one junior kindergarten students engaged in a lovely autumn walk to the Walworth Memorial Library. Miss Patti hosted our wonderful time together. Thank you to our amazing friends at the Walworth Memorial Library. WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! #WalworthJ1 #WeLoveReading

Walworth School is closed today, Friday, October 26, 2018. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday for the start of Red Ribbon Week. Don't forget to wear your exercise clothes! #WalworthJ1

In Mrs. Wenzel's class, the students made short o vowel lollipops with Mrs. V. #WalworthJ1

Wildcats, are your Halloween costumes ready? Trunk or Treat is this Saturday, October 27th from 4:00-7:00 P.M. in the Big Foot High School Parking lot! #WalworthJ1

Mrs. Janney's junior kindergarten class had fun learning about squares! They read "Spookley the Square Pumpkin," made their own "Spookley" out of squares, and had a messy and delicious time putting together and enjoying their square pumpkin snack! #WalworthJ1

Today is the last day for the Scholastic Enchanted Forest Book Fair! The book fair is open 12:00-8:00 P.M. today. You just may run into some magical creatures! #WalworthJ1 #WeLoveReading