Mrs. Hajewski's sixth graders practiced punctuating dialogue using different shaped pieces of pasta for quotation marks, commas, periods, and exclamation points. #WalworthJ
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
pasta punctuation
pasta punctuation
pasta punctuation
Wesley the Wildcat and Sparky the Fire Prevention Dog had fun teaming up for Fire Safety! #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Wesley the Wildcat and Sparky the Fire Prevention Dog had fun teaming up for Fire Safety! #WalworthJ1
#GoBrewersGo #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Walworth School is ready to CRUNCH into some delicious apples from the Apple Barn for the Great Apple Crunch 2018! #GreatAppleCrunch2018 #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Great Apple Crunch
Great Apple Crunch
Cross Country for tonight is canceled. Dress warm for Thursday's cross country meet. Athletes will run at 3:30 in Whitewater tomorrow. Bus leaves at 2:15. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
cross country practice canceled
Walworth students enjoyed the beautiful summer-like weather yesterday! ☀️#WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
kids playing football
Curious and creative children in Ms. Boldger's junior kindergarten class are inspired daily to actively learn together, through the exploration and manipulation of the variety of materials in their environment. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Apple graphing
Apple graphing
Pumpkin patch
student painting
Walworth Parents' Club meeting tonight at 6:30 PM in the Welcome Center. Childcare will be available. #WalworthJ1 #WalworthJ1ParentsClub
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Parents Club Meeting Tonight
Mrs. Janney's Class had so much fun learning the letter Bb. They spent the week doing many fun Bb activities...blowing bubbles, eating bread and butter, bouncing on bubble wrap, bouncing balls, painting with blue balloons, and chewing bubble gum! #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Blue bubbles
bouncing ball
The 2006 Walworth Football teams! Do you recognize anyone? 🏈 #TBTWalworthJ1 #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
football teams 2006
The Cross Country team traveled to Clinton for the Middle School Cross Country Invitational. We are proud to announce that we had a total of seven Top Ten finishers! All of our runners did a great job and finished strong! Way to go Wildcats! #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Cross Country Winners
cross country runner
cross country runner
cross country runner
Cross Country practice for today has been canceled. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
cross country practice canceled
Nursing students from Aurora University visited Mrs. Cullen's second grade class to teach them about the importance of hand washing. Students practiced washing their hands, checked for germs, and completed a crossword puzzle. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
crossword puzzle
checking for germs
Flag football practice has been canceled for tonight due to weather conditions. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Flag football practice canceled
This week is Custodian Appreciation Week. Walworth School is lucky to have the best! Thank you for the amazing job you do and the hours you spend making sure the classroom and building is ready for our students.z #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
School Custodian Week
Don't forget to wear your WE ARE WALWORTH t-shirt to show school spirit! #WeAreWalworth #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
MENU CHANGE On Friday, September 28th the hot lunch choice will be pizza dippers. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
MENU CHANGE: Thursday, September 27th the alternate lunch choice will be chicken vegetable soup. #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Today's first flag football game will start at 3:45 pm (instead of 4 pm) due to the incoming storms. The second game will start around 4:45 pm depending on the first game and the weather.
over 6 years ago, Mr. Klamm
Last week students were given a "WE ARE WALWORTH" t-shirt to help show our Walworth pride. Please wear your t-shirt on Friday, September 28th to show school spirit as we celebrate Big Foot High School Homecoming! #WeAreWalworth #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 6 years ago, Walworth Wildcats