Picture Retake Day is Thursday, October 20th. It is for any students that didn't have their picture taken on picture day, new students, and students who want to have their picture retaken. If there are questions please contact Mrs. Colmeman at (262)275-6896 ext. 1206 #WalworthJ1

Volleyball season is underway
Three volleyball teams recently began action for the Walworth Jt. School District #1. "We have about 46 total girls that play this season," said Mr. Alexander, who coaches the "A" team. Ms Bernal coaches the fifth graders. Mrs. Peterson coaches the "B" team. Read the full article here: https://www.walworth.k12.wi.us/article/872822

Mrs. Janney's junior kindergarteners enjoyed learning about fire safety from the Walworth Fire Department and Sparky! 🚒🔥🚒🔥🚒🔥
#FireSafetyWeek #BetterTogether #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

CRUNCH: Apples, apples everywhere!
That crunching sound coming from school today was from students & staff enjoying apples! https://bit.ly/3CX9FkO

🍎🍏🍎🍏Just 1 day until the Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch! Wildcats, what is your favorite kind of apple to crunch into? 🍎🍏🍎🍏
#GreatAppleCrunch🍎🍏🍎🍏 #WalworthJ1

These 4th graders enjoyed Starbucks Staff experience with Mrs. Klamm! The best part is that it was pajama day too!
#WeLoveWalworth #BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

Mr. Klamm and friends had a SWEET time at the teacher experience: Cupcakes and Kidzbop! Everyone enjoyed the cupcakes from Poppy Cakes while listening to good tunes. There may have been some dancing too!
#WeLoveWalworth #BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

Never stop growing! 💜💛
#MotivationalMonday #WalworthJ1

Congratulations to this week's Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. On Fridays students, who have earned a Paw Print are entered into a drawing. Way to go, Wildcats!
#WalworthProud #WalworthJ1

There is still time to get down to Heyer True Value for the cookout and bounce house!
#BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

Make sure to thank these dedicated members of the Walworth School Board for their service to Walworth School and community! The members serving our district and their years of service are as follows: Mary Heyer (19 years), Valerie Gibbs (4 years), Sue Zillmer (6 years), Jacob Ries (6 years), and Tracey Scott (1st year).
#BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

Join us and the community this Saturday, October 8th at the Better Together Event! There will be food (donation), a bounce house, and community fun at Heyer True Value.
#BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

The Big Foot Homecoming Parade is at 2:00 PM. The weather looks to be a bit chilly! Please make sure your student is dressed to be outside. Go Big Foot ❤🖤!
#BetterTogether #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

This thrid grade class enjoyed a popcorn party and fun time in the Guidance room with Mr. K and Mrs. Wilson!
#WeLoveWalworth #BetterTogether #WalworthJ1

This special 4th grade friend won Mrs. Niemuth's "French Braids and Fingernails" teacher experience raffle prize at Open House. She loved starting her school day being pampered!
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

The students of Walworth Jt. School District #1 benefit every day from the leadership and vision of our school board. October 2-8 is Wisconsin School Board Week. Please take the time to thank these dedicated school leaders.
#WISchoolBoardWeek #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Don't like the Hot Lunch choice? No problem! This year, Grab 'N Go is an alternative school lunch option available to all grades at the same price as regular school lunches ($3.05).
The October Grab 'N Go options will be: Monday - Turkey Wrap, Tuesday - Salami Wrap, Wednesday - Ham Wrap, Thursday - Salad, and Friday PB&J . Please Note: Salad is changing from Wedneday to Thursday during the month of October.

School Spirt Week starts tomorrow!
Monday ~ Pajama Day
Tuesday ~ Mismatch/Crazy Hair
Wednesday ~ Wildcat Pride
Thursday ~ Class Color
Friday ~ Big Foot Day
#WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1

Congratulations Dr. Hajewski and Mrs. Roselle for winning the Walworth County Literacy Council Spelling Bee last night! We are #WalworthProud of you!

Congratulations to these recent Paw Print winners. Students receive a Paw Print for working hard and making Walworth a great school. On Fridays students, who have earned a Paw Print are entered into a drawing. Way to go, Wildcats!
#WalworthProud #WalworthJ1