💜Walworth School Families💜 If your family is experiencing a lack of fixed, regular, and adequate housing because of financial hardships, please contact Mrs. Ott-Wilson, Homeless Liaison Coordinator. (262)275-6896 ext. 1212 #BetterTogether #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Walworth School Families ~

If your family is experiencing a lack of fixed, regular, and adequate housing because of financial hardships, please contact Mrs. Ott-Wilson, Homeless Liaison Coordinator.
Congratulations to these Henry and Mudge Experts. To be an Expert students need to read all 32 Henry and Mudge books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Aly and Ellie! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Henry and Mudge
Henry and Mudge
Congratulations to these FROGGY Experts! To be an expert students need to read all 25 FROGGY books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Zoey and Mia! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
froggy expert
Froggy expert
Mrs. Cullen's class is celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with stories and skeleton masks! The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. It is a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Mrs. Cullen's class is celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with stories and skeleton masks!  The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died.  It is a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning.
Mrs. Cullen's class is celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with stories and skeleton masks!  The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died.  It is a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning.
🏐Volleyball Location Change🏐 Today's volleyball game, (November 2) will be held at Sharon School. #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
volleyball update
On Monday, October 25th at the regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting, Timmy McIntyre (Walworth Class of 2021) received a Wisconsin Middle Level State Honors Choir Award from his Middle School Choir Teacher, Laura Barker. Timmy auditioned for this honor and was chosen for this highly competitive award. Timmy performed with the Wisconsin Middle Level State Honors Choir on October 30th. Congratulations Timmy! #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1 Music #Walworth J1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Music Award
Music Award
Music Award
Music Award
🍁November Breakfast and Lunch Menu🍁 Please note that the entrees for the 16th and 30th are to be determined. This is due to supply chain shortages. When we know what lunch will be on the TBD days and the 17th (whether turkey or pork), we will make the appropriate changes to morning announcements, the website, and the app. #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
November lunch menu
There will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow, October 29, 2021. This is a scheduled fall break! Enjoy your long weekend! 🍂🎃🍁👻🍂 #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Fall break
Here is the link to Monday night's middle school Talent Show. 🎤🎭🎼 https://youtu.be/t0V3NfxdUO8 #WalworthJ1Music #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Tomorrow, October 28th is an early dismissal. Students will be at 12:30 PM. Also, there is no school Friday, October 29th. #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Early release
Congratulations to this Noodles Expert and these Dear Dragon Experts . These students read all the books and passed all the Reading Counts tests! Way to go readers!📚 #WeLoveReading #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Dear Dragon Expert
Noodle expert
Congratulations to Luke! He is the first ever Good Reader Award winner. He read 25 biography books and passed all the quizzes. Way to go reader! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Good Reader Award
Congratulations to Harper! This Fantastic Reader read 52 of the Franklin the Turtle books and passed all the quizzes. Way to go reader! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Last night was the middle school Talent Show. Walworth students and staff have so much talent! We are so proud of the performers, the emcees, and the stage crew. Thank you, Mrs. Barker for organizing the show. #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
talent show
talent show
talent show
talent show
Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at Walworth School Wednesday, October 27th, 2:00 to 5:00 PM Please park in the main parking lot and enter by the multipurpose room (door 2B). #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
COVID Vaccine Clinic
COVID Vaccine Clinic
Join us on October 28th at 9:00 AM for our annual Halloween Parade. Students in grades JK-4th, led by the Middle School Marching Band, will walk twice around the Square. If the weather doesn't cooperate, we will move the parade inside and the public will be unable to attend. 🎃👻🕷🕸🦇 #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1 
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Halloween Parade
Trunk or Treat is TODAY from 4:00-6:00 PM @ Big Foot High School parking lot sponsored by WalworthJ1 Parent's Club. 🎃🕷🕸🦇🎃 #WalworthParentsClub #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Trunk or Treat
Walworth School is looking for applicants interested in working as a teacher aides. If you are interested please apply below and if you have any questions please call Phill Klamm (262) 394-2010. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1xJzjb8OTYH4nygA7_58Z-F7_eVL0ciByhagr3f-EukxBgw/viewform?usp=sf_link #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
We are hiring!
Congratulations to these Biscuit Book Hotshots. To be a Biscuit Book Hotshot students need to read all 19 Biscuit books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Oliver and Eliana. 📚 #WalworthProud #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Congratulations to these Henry and Mudge Experts. To be an Expert students need to read all 32 Henry and Mudge books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Olivia and Kira! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Henry and Mudge
Henry and Mudge