Walworth students will be celebrating the BFHS Homecoming by attending the parade tomorrow! Let's show our school spirit and wear Big Foot gear/colors! ❤🖤⚽️🏐🏈🎾🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🖤❤ #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Big Foot Homecoming
Here is the breakfast/lunch menu for October 2021. Through the USDA program all Walworth students can receive one free breakfast and one free lunch each day through the 2021-2022 school year. Menus can also be found on our school website and app. #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Congratulations to this Biscuit Book Hotshot. To be a Biscuit Book Hotshot students need to read all 19 Biscuit books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Kira! 📚 #WhatAreYouReading #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
biscuit hotshot
Congratulations to these Henry and Mudge Experts. To be a Expert students need to read all 32 Henry and Mudge books and pass the quizzes! Way to go Oskar and Renae! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Henry and Mudge
Henry and Mudge
Mrs. Cullen's first grade class would like to say "Thank you!" We love the apples a parent sent in to help us celebrate the First Day of Fall! 🍎 #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
MENU CHANGE: Thursday, September 23 Tomorrow the HOT lunch choice will be REGULAR corn dogs, veggies, fruit, and milk. Reminder: There is NO charge for breakfast or lunch through the 2021-2022 school year. #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
menu change
Congratulations to this Syd Hoff Experts. To be a Syd Hoff Expert students need to read all 20 Syd Hoff books and pass the quizzes! Way to go James! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Syd  Hoff Expert
Congratulations to this Fly Guy High Achiever! To be a High Achiever students need to read 31 Fly Guy books and pass all the quizzes! Way to go Xavier! 📚 #WhatAreYouReadingWednesday #WalworthProud #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Fly Guy
Monday is Packer Spirit Day! Let's see your green and gold, Wilcats! 💚🏈💛 #GoPackGo #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Packer Monday
Due to our opponent having low numbers for tonight's Home Flag Football game, Walworth has agreed to play one game. The B-Team will play the first half (30 minute clock) and the A-team will play the second half of the game. (30 minute clock) Game time will be at 4pm. Thursday's game at Sharon will follow the same schedule/procedures. Thank you for your understanding, Coach Hummel #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Football update
Intramural Volleyball starts today for 5th and 6th graders. Practice is from 3:30-4:30. 🏐 #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Intramural Volleyball
Get your SMILES ready Wildcats! Picture Day is Monday, September 13th. 😁📸 #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Picture day
Welcome back to school Wildcats! Now is your chance to show your school pride by sporting your Walworth Wildcat Wear. Visit https://walworthwildcats-2021.itemorder.com/shop/sale/?saleCode=CUZ9N and place your order by Monday, September 20. #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
wildcat gear
wildcat gear
Miss Gleeson's second grade students started the year with a fun partner challenge. Fred the gummy worm forgot to wear his life preserver when he went out on his boat (plastic cup). His boat flipped over and his life preserver was stuck underneath. Students had to work together to fix Fred's boat and get his life preserver back on. The only challenge - they could not use their hands! Everyone had a great time working together to save Fred. After some trial and error, all groups successfully saved Fred! Fun was had by all! #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Worm Challenge
Worm Challenge
Worm Challenge
Worm Challenge
Wildcats, there is no school September 3 - September 6. School will resume September 7! Enjoy your long weekend! #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
No school
Welcome back, Wildcats! Please share your first day photos in the comments below or you can send them to social.media@walworth.k12.wi.us. 💜💛 #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Back to School
We need your help finding great candidates for substitute teachers. Please share! Big Foot Area Schools is looking for energetic, motivated, substitute teachers. Candidates will have the opportunity to work with students at all levels, from junior kindergarten to high school. All substitute teachers must have a valid WI Teaching License or WI Substitute Teaching License. If you don't currently have a license, we'll contact you and provide more directions in order to obtain one. You can contact Jenny Skemp with questions or if you need assistance with obtaining a license. (jmskemp@bigfoot.k12.wi.us or #262-394-4502 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8G6tLBQCJQC7qOcN6DlAA0q-p928W9fqbGsdg2WcFgCkMag/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
School starts TOMORROW, September 1, 2021! Students will be welcomed into the building beginning at 7:30 AM. School starts at 8:05 AM. It is going to be a great year! 💜💛 BetterTogether #WeLoveWalworth #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
First day of school
Reminder... Drinking fountains in the building are disabled. Each student needs to bring a water bottle labeled with their name to school daily. Refilling stations will be available. #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
Water bottles
The new school year is less than a week away! Have you started your back-to-school schedule? The chart is a great visual to show your children how much sleep they really need! #WalworthJ1
over 3 years ago, Walworth Wildcats
How much sleep?